Wednesday, February 4, 2009

LOST Recap - Season 5, Episode 4 - The Little Prince

I just finished watching! Wow!

As I suspected (and hoped) Jin is NOT dead! He's been floating around in the ocean ever since the freighter exploded and apparently making the jumps in time along with the rest of the Losties. He was found by a raft full of French speaking folks that end up being Danielle and her people. A younger, pregnant with Alex, Danielle. So that pretty much tells us what time period they're in. It should be around 1988 I think. Poor Jin was floating face down in the ocean for the entire start of the season!? lol

Sawyer is showing his softer, Hallmark side and I like it. Even if it is a bit cheesy for him - I still love it. Heck, I even like Juliet! As they were walking through the jungle, they heard screaming - classic Claire screaming - and Sawyer crept up on her and Kate delivering the baby. Very sweet and I think very poignant - the birth of Aaron. I'm not sure why but I know the island "beamed" them to that time for a reason. I think every flash and every time they end up in is for a reason. We also saw the flash of light from the hatch. It was the same time period as when Aaron was being born.

Anyway, the rest of the freighter folk are wobbling around the jungle with bloody nose after bloody nose. Charlotte seems to be ok for now - or maybe she is dead and now a ghost - like Claire? lol The latest bloody nose victims are Miles and Juliet. I think it's affecting these three because of how long they've been on the island. I think Charlotte and Miles were born on the island and it's happening to Juliet because she has been there for so long.

Ben is still trying to recruit everyone back to the island and as suspected he was behind the lawyer showing up at Kate's house. His plan was to scare her into going back to the island.

Hurley only had a quick appearance from jail. I assume it was his one phone call and he made it to Jack, to check on Sayid... who can add another body to his "Guys I've Killed" list. As he was sipping his water in the hospital a man came in, posing as a nurse and tried to kill him. Of course Sayid has mad skills and he was one step ahead of him. In the guys pocket they found Kate's address and called to warn her. That lead to her and Jack having a little reunion where he would eventually try to convince her into going back...

Well, that's my rundown for now. Let me know how you all liked tonight's episode!

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