Saturday, February 7, 2009

Shoe & Movie - aholic

So I just couldn't keep myself away from Sears today while we were at the mall. lol I went back and got hubby a pair of the zip up shoes from Lands End and got another lace up style for myself - can't beat $13 bucks!!!

I also saw He's Just Not That Into You. Very cute, chick flick. I really enjoyed it and was happy that all the good people had good things happen to them and all the rotten people had rotten things happen to them. lol I will try to write a review on it later but if you're looking for a Valentine's flick to see with your sweetie pie this year - this is a good one. Plus, gotta love that it took place in Baltimore, right on the water.

Anyway, that's about all from me for today. Hope you're all enjoying some of this gorgeous weather we're having!


  1. Sounds like my kind of movie. Will definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I've been wondering if that movie was good! We rarely get a chance to go out to the movies so when we do go, we pray we made a good choice!!! Sounds like this movie might be worth seeing!!

  3. Glad you enjoyed the movie. :) I've gotten so many mixed reviews about it. I guess I'm going to have to check it out. To me, it looks cute, so I'm glad you gave it a thumbs up. Maybe I can drag the Hubster to it on V-day! I think that would be more a gift to me, than him. lol
