Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This Just In

Daily Momma has a new blog and it needs a makeover in a bad way!

If anyone has any links to free backgrounds, headers or any other goodies, please post them here. I will dig some links up myself to share with everyone.

For those of you who have followed my other blog, you know the drill - total random updates from the Daily Momma. Preferably... DAILY! But of course as all mom's know that doesn't always happen.

In my early blogging days I never could decide on what type of blog I wanted - one that focuses on all my mom-ness and nothing else? How about a cooking blog? Music? Movies? A wife blog? Style blog? Photography blog? Or how about a blog that revolves around Morrissey? That right there could take up my entire day! :) So in the end I decided that my blog would be about EVERYTHING I enjoy. Movies, music, cooking, motherhood, wife... hood, shopping, shopping and more shopping... you get the idea.

I look forward to my regulars and even some new bloggers! Welcome!

-Daily Momma

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